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Lora:style-envyprimordialxl01-xl:1.2 images generated with AI

albedobase-xl-v1.2 albedobond AlbedoBase XL lora:xl_more_art-full-xl:0.6 lora:add-detail-xl:2.0 lora:style-envyarcanexl01-xl:0.6 arcane lora:style-envyawesomizexl01-xl:0.4 awesomize lora:style-envyfantasticxl01-xl:0.6 fantastic lora:style-envyprimordialxl01-xl:1.2 primordial lora:style-envymagicalxl01-xl:0.6 magical famous artwork by brian despain and casey baugh:1.4 fractal art:0.6 fantasy style the worryingly beautiful:1.8 mossy muscqueggle is a small highly poisonous creature with brightly colored intricate wings:1.2 the vivid coloring serves as a warning of their poisonous nature they inhabit the enchanted glades of the lush bioluminescent forests of planet grobshnuggler x where the air is filled with the soft glow of burglybonked spores ultra high detail ultra detailed ultra realistic 8k uhd dreamshaper-xl-v1_alpha2 OneViolentGentleman Vogon Guide to Beasts of the Galaxy famous artwork by karl kopinski:1.4 detailed expressive eyes this image shows the speckled spittlefurbler this wondrous tranzicated creature covered in bioluminescent doodleplunk and indorgeffle stands atop a karfuddeling pile of shmagger silhouetted against a serxaturbled aurora-filled sky of planet flarnshingle iii hinting at its otherworldly nature juggernaut-xl-v7 Aikimi unaestheticXL | Negative TI lora:style-envyarcanexl01-xl:0.4 famous artwork by antonio j. manzanedo and mark riddick:1.2 the majestic lazy mudtonkers is a silicon-based life-form living in a hostile environment it calls the devurlified lava plains of the volcanic planet lardspargel viii its home on the image it is shown with its disturbingly beautiful leathery wings and elegant whippletorbig body this being feeds by harnessing volcanic energy and hunting the small counterblurbled lumbering nutblab famous artwork by kaja foglio and michael kormarck:1.3 fractal art:1.2 whimsical tranquil dreamlike scenery the fluffy logmingo a disturbingly cute and beautiful:1.1 swamp-dwelling crystalline life form with florbyflunked skin painted in mesmerizing patterns they hunt fairyfrongledly among the infroggeling iridescent hypnobromeliads:1.2 and the otherworldly:1.1 confrectioned flora of wondrous swamps:1.2 suspended in the mysterious ethereal mists of their dreamlike:1.1 habitat on planet zofflebob vi famous artwork by carne griffiths and henry higginbotham and vincent chong:1.3 the ephemeral skullmephit understands itself as the guardian of the much smaller lazy slimevlorms it is a semi-intelligent creature that likes to decorate its crystalline armor plates with mysterious ornaments of juxtaflurged murglewhammer into the image shows it standing guard in an overgrown ruin filled with thurgicided artifacts on planet carefuleverythingwantstoeatyouhere famous artwork by leo hao and chris achilleos and jean-franois millet:1.2
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